“Gus” is an Absolutely Amazing gelding. He’s the Best true Dual Ender we’ve ever offered for sale. He’s smooth to ride and absolutely gentle and safe whether riding out on the ranch and doing all the tasks that come with that or roping in the arena. He’s very broke and soft. Smooth as can be at a trot and has that awesome rocking chair lope.
When you’re heading he scores great, runs to cattle with ease and control, has a great natural move getting ahold of the steer, handles them softly, and really finishes with a phenomenal face. On the heel side he’s great in the box, stays off cattle and isn’t pushy going down the arena, makes a good corner, and finishes strong. he is quiet and easy and would be great if you want to tie on. After every run whether heading or heeling he drops his head and walks off quietly.
Gus is well suited for both high and low numbered ropers. He’s truly the most adaptable horse we’ve ever had. Our whole family has rode him outside. He’s great in the branding pen, sorting, or just to ride around to check and gather cattle. He’s gentle and safe to be around and handle in every way. He’s a very friendly and in your pocket gelding.
We are very proud to offer another one of our high quality geldings here this year. Keep an eye out for “Gus” at the ropings with both Nick and Landon this winter!! If you have interest in him we encourage you to come to our facility and try him. We are excited to see Gus and his new owner go on to have great success!!