Rawhides Rez Whiskey is an outstanding horse that is truly the whole package. “Rezzy” is a 15H tall, 1100# 5-year-old gelding ready to make someone their next go to horse! He has been exposed to just about everything you can think of in and out of the arena. He has drug calves to the fire, gathered many miles, carried flags and been used in parades, packed wildlife out of the mountain, has been used for team sorting and is making and outstanding head/heel horse! He has even seen the bright lights of Las Vegas at the Indian National Finals Rodeo as the horse to clear the cattle out of the arena. His athleticism and willingness to try has made him a joy to train. He has never offered to buck, kick, rear or bite and has never taken a lame step. You will drive many miles trying to find one like this, do not let him slip away!