Barrel Race 1/23/25


1:59 PM 01/23/25       Barrel Race America, Version 12.9               Page 1   
         Copyright (C) 2004-2022 by Charlie Horse Ranch Timing Systems          
             Producer: 2482 Yost Events, Inc. , Show Date: 01/23/25             
                              Contact: Stacey Yost                              
                      Location: Rancho Rio, Wickenburg, AZ                      
                      ACBRA Weekly Open 4D Jackpot in Open                   
Paying to  3 placings, Jackpot Total = $  1932.00, Rider count = 69          
     1D Time = 17.481, Placings =  6, Pool = $  579.60                       
     2D Time = 17.981, Placings = 12, Pool = $  521.64                       
     3D Time = 18.481, Placings = 19, Pool = $  444.36                       
     4D Time = 19.481, Placings = 14, Pool = $  386.40                       
                     Not Placed = 18                                         
                               1D Placings                                   
   1st 17.481 $249.00         Savannah Manke on Streaks French Fling         
   2nd 17.504 $191.00         Hanna Mendenhall on Jada                       
   3rd 17.505 $139.00         Annie Okelberry on RSR Speed Com Manny         
   4th 17.607                 Amanda Somerville on Cash Me out Tens          
   5th 17.802                 Shelby Marie on Rosy                           
   6th 17.972                 Laney Salo on First Prize Haley                
                               2D Placings                                   
   1st 18.003 $224.00         Sharon Harrell on Jet                          
   2nd 18.064 $172.00         Jackie Lynch on Sam                            
   3rd 18.075 $125.00         Quincy Downey on Swix                          
   4th 18.085                 Shylene Drumm on Titan                         
   5th 18.131                 Shelby Marie on Frenchy                        
   6th 18.165                 Max Haylett on Plain Jones He Ain't            
   7th 18.192                 Sherry Huver on Honor Ta Fame                  
   8th 18.305                 Chloe Edwards on Jagger                        
   9th 18.343                 Taneal Braslin on Dualin Banjo Babe            
  10th 18.400                 Christina Gould on Superman                    
  11th 18.430                 Sarah Atchison on Miller Time                  
  12th 18.462                 Jordan Escobedo on Horse 3                     
                               3D Placings                                   
   1st 18.579 $191.00         Annie Okelberry on Chris La Dough              
   2nd 18.584 $147.00         Amy Wheeler on Down Home Beach                 
   3rd 18.587 $107.00         Sue Ahlgren on Nicks Rare Warrior              
   4th 18.616                 Savannah Manke on Double Up Frost              
   5th 18.651                 Kelsey Treharne on Mini                        
   6th 18.677                 Amanda Garrett on LaJollaDashSix               
   7th 18.755                 Mya Piquet on Shortcake                        
   8th 18.806                 Jennifer Ballard on Frenchetta                 
Tie    18.806                 Addison Wafer on Legacy Jo                     
  10th 18.825                 Jennifer Ballard on Custom Baquera             
  11th 18.944                 Cody Lunde on Ellie                            
  12th 18.966                 Tana Staal on Coronas In The Sky               
  13th 18.984                 Hanna Mendenhall on Zena                       
  14th 19.014                 Jodi Edwards on Presley                        
  15th 19.027                 Shelby Marie on Mary                           
1:59 PM 01/23/25       Barrel Race America, Version 12.9               Page 2   
                      ACBRA Weekly Open 4D Jackpot in Open                   
  16th 19.220                 Christina Gould on Trump                       
  17th 19.357                 Mikell Hougen on Bugzy                         
  18th 19.401                 Bria Boomsma on Phera                          
  19th 19.404                 Jordan Escobedo on Horse 1                     
                               4D Placings                                   
   1st 19.543 $166.00         Cody Lunde on Jock                             
   2nd 19.661 $128.00         Jordan Escobedo on Horse 2                     
   3rd 19.672 $ 93.00         Holly Hoff on Mr. T                            
   4th 19.683                 Janine Barr on Nacho                           
   5th 19.708                 Madison Neill on Bull Me Over                  
   6th 19.855                 Jayne Chambers on Lookin Prissy                
   7th 19.905                 Rylie Rowser on Stormy News Flash              
   8th 20.069                 Kerilee Noval on Tamale                        
   9th 20.123                 Carole Hollers on CJ Designer Lipstick         
  10th 20.201                 Olivia Dames on Time Ta Lena Lil               
  11th 20.213                 Shali Salo on GR Tomcat                        
  12th 21.955                 Sara Little on Doc Doc                         
  13th 24.068                 Kelsey Treharne on Payday                      
  14th 24.334                 Rheanne Boren on Handsome                      
N/T    417.696                Bailey Sears on Mick Swagger                   
N/T    418.048                Mackinzie King on Horse 2                      
N/T    418.364                MacKenzie King on Horse 1                      
N/T    418.545                Tammy McComish on Zoomer                       
N/T    418.551                Mary Moe on Trigger                            
N/T    418.577                Sophia Neill on Plain Easy Bullseye            
N/T    419.091                Leslie Pederson on Foxy                        
N/T    419.408                Tana Salo on Lucky Get Trashed                 
N/T    419.587                Rachel Morgan on Darned Wright                 
N/T    419.747                Cyndy May on So Itchy I'm Streakin             
N/T    421.214                Teagan Amos on Josie                           
N/T    423.231                Makayla Cole on Steady                         
N/T    444.444                Bria Boomsma on Rhiet                          
N/T    444.444                Jackie Lynch on Swagger                        
N/T    444.444                Sarah Atchison on RO Lil Liza James            
N/T    444.444                Sue Ahlgren on Tres My Tracks                  
N/T    444.444                Charly Miller on Short Go                      
N/T    421008.200             Jackie Dalchow on Smith